New Features For Instagram Reels

New Features For Instagram Reels

Instagram is introducing fresh methods for creating, sharing, and boosting interaction with Reels.


Instagram Reels has seen a number of revisions that include the addition of new creative tools, improved engagement strategies, and modifications to the sharing of films.


Reels now has new features that include:

  • Enhanced remixes
  • New templates
  • Automatic conversion of video posts to Reels
  • The ability to boost Reels as ads

Here is more information on each of the new Instagram Reels features.


Enhanced Remixes

Reels' remix function, which enables you to respond to films from other users, is being improved by Instagram.

You may now remix public images and capture your response to them on a Reel.

You may select a green screen, split screen, or picture-in-picture reaction view from the new remix layouts.


The ability to insert your recording after the original clip will allow you to avoid having both pieces of information play at once for the first time.


New Templates

Reels may now be made using templates, which already have placeholders for audio and video so that you can add your own pictures or video clips.

You may simultaneously capture video using your phone's front and rear cameras thanks to a new Dual template.


Tap the camera symbol on the Reels to open templates.


Converting Video Posts To Reels

All videos uploaded to Instagram that are under 15 minutes long are automatically turned into Reels.


Only new videos are affected by this change. Less than 15 minute old videos will continue to be posted as videos.

When this update launches in the upcoming weeks, the Video and Reels sections on your Instagram profile will combine into one.


Boosting Reels As Ads

Reels on the Instagram app may now be promoted by businesses by turning them into advertisements. This presents a chance to increase views and interaction more quickly.


A Reel may only be boosted if it contains only original material, is under 60 seconds length, and was shot in the 9:16 (vertical) aspect ratio.


By examining your material and selecting Boost Post after releasing it, you may boost a Reel. You may receive engagement insights that are only available for advertising by boosting a Reel.


Reels that have been promoted show up in the Explore page, Reels tab, Stories, and Instagram's main feed.

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