How To Do SEO Audit Of A Website?

Guide For Conducting SEO Audit Of Website

SEO audit is a process of analyzing the current search engine position, website speed and other on-page SEO issues. 


It helps you understand the current status of your website and make necessary changes in order to improve rankings in search engines.

Analyze Your Current Search Engine Position.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of your website or blog in search results on the web. The most popular search engines are Google, Bing and Yahoo! 


You can check your current position by using a tool which will show you how many backlinks you have from other websites that are related to what you're currently doing or selling.

    Analyze Your Current Search Engine Position : This step involves analyzing both organic traffic (which comes from people clicking on organic links on other sites) and paid traffic (which comes from Google Ads). There are many tools available for measuring both types of metrics; some examples include: SEMrush , Ahrefs , Majestic SEO .

    Organic Traffic Vs Paid Traffic : Organic traffic refers to referring external links while paid refers specifically toward search ads such as AdWords campaigns where an advertiser pays Google each time they click through one of those ads displayed under every relevant result page returned by their chosen keyword query term(s).

Check The Stealthy Links You Were Penalized For.

You should do a thorough check of the links which were penalized for being out of date or in violation of Google's quality guidelines. The most common reason for these penalties is when a website links to another site that does not follow the same rules as you do, such as having duplicate content or spammy backlinks. This can lead to an automatic drop in rankings due to algorithm updates from Google. If you notice any of this happening on your site, it's time for some SEO audit!

You should keep an eye on the nofollow links as well. The reason for this is because some people might try to use them as a way of avoiding penalties. For example, if someone follows your link but their site is penalized, then you will lose traffic and rankings due to Google's algorithm updates. This can happen when they have copied content from yours or have been penalized in another way.

Check Website Speed And Fix It.

Website speed is important for many reasons. It's a ranking factor, it's a user experience factor and it's a conversion factor. Website speed affects your brand image as well as the bounce rate of your website. If you have slow loading times on your site then people won't want to visit it again in the future (hence why Google penalizes sites with poor load times).


Make sure you take all necessary precautions to ensure your webpages load quickly, including: * Using a reliable hosting provider for your website or blog content. Select one that's cheap but still provides good service (and let them know about it if there's any issues).

  • Optimizing images, videos and other media to be as small as possible while still retaining their quality.
  • Optimizing code like HTML, CSS and JavaScript to reduce their size without sacrificing functionality.
  • Setting up caching (using software like W3 Total Cache) so that pages load faster for repeat visitors. 
  • If you aren't sure what needs optimizing then use tools like Pingdom or GTMetrix to analyze which parts of your site have problems loading quickly.
  • You need to make sure that your website doesn't have any duplicate content.

Analyze Your Web Pages.

The first step of an SEO audit is to analyze your web pages. First, check the titles and meta descriptions of each page. Also check whether they are relevant and accurate.

Secondly, look at the content on each page to see if it’s optimized for search engines like Google or Bing by using keywords in the body copy or header tags. If not already done so, add them now!

Thirdly, make sure you have no duplicate content on other sites that may be linking back to yours (i.e., cross-linking). This can happen when one website links directly up another one without changing its URL at all; this would cause both websites' pages' SERPs (search engine results pages) not only show up together but also make it appear as though users were clicking through from one page into another rather than vice versa since there's no difference between them except their URLs!

Fourthly, review your site’s load time. If you want it to load faster, try using a CDN (content delivery network) such as Cloudflare or Amazon CloudFront. Finally, check if any of these issues are affecting other pages on their own.

In addition to checking for broken links, duplicate content and lack of meta tags on every page, you may also want to carry out other website audits like these:

  1. Navigation: Analyze your main navigation and make sure it's easy to navigate from one part of the site to another.
  2. Alt-Text: Check if images are optimized for SEO purposes by using alt-text.
  3. Keywords: Make sure the content on each page of your site is optimized with keywords that are relevant to its topic; otherwise it won't appear high up in search engine results.
  4. Broken Links: Check if there are any broken links or redirects going outwards from your domain name.

Check robots.txt and sitemap.xml.

Robots.txt and sitemap.xml are two files that you should check to make sure your website is crawled properly by search engines.

Robots.txt is a file that tells search engines which pages to crawl and which to ignore, while sitemap.xml tells search engines where they can find all the URLs on your site so they know how many pages there are in total (and how long they’ll take).

If you don't have a robots.txt file, your site might be crawled less frequently than other sites that do. You can create one with Yoast SEO's File Editor module by going to “Tools” and selecting “File Editor” from the menu. Then click “Create new file” in the top right corner of your screen and upload it on your server

Check The Quality Of Links.

The first step of an SEO audit is to check the quality of links. This can be done by checking the links on the homepage, in the footer, in the sidebar and any other place where you might find it useful.


The next step is to analyze how many different types of links are present on your site: text-only backlinks (such as those from directories or industry forums), image/video/audio file embeddeds and so on. You should also look into how many anchor texts were used in order to get these links pointing towards your website's main page (elements like “click here” or “read more”).

Next, identify any links that appear in unexpected places such as footers, sidebars, etc. These types typically have very little impact on SEO performance so it's important to replace them with more relevant ones ASAP! If your site has many different kinds of pages (e.g., blog posts vs static content) then you might want be sure that each one has appropriate back links pointing towards its main topic area.

Check On-Page SEO Issues.

On-page SEO is the most important aspect of SEO, as it determines how well your site ranks in Google. The following are some of the issues you can check for:

    Broken links – Are there any broken links on your website? If so, fix them immediately and submit a sitemap to Google.

    Duplicate content – You should have unique content on every page of your website; otherwise, this will result in duplicate pages ranking higher than their counterparts (which is bad). Check if there are any duplicate text or images across multiple pages/posts before making changes on those particular pages/posts because fixing these issues might affect other parts of the website negatively as well!

Page load speed – If it takes more than 2 seconds to load, then it's considered slow and needs optimization. Check your site's speed using Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix.

Meta tags – Check for the presence of meta tags on each page/post, including title tags, alt tags, meta descriptions, meta keywords and meta robots. These are all important because they help search engines understand what your webpage is about. If there aren't any of these present then add them yourself using Yoast SEO plugin which is the most popular one out there.

If your site is slow, has duplicate content or doesn't have proper links - you won't rank in Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

If your site is slow, has duplicate content or doesn't have proper links - you won't rank in Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS).

If you're not ranking in the first page of Google search results, then it's time for an SEO audit.

It's not easy to do an SEO audit, but with the right tools, it can be done. If you're new to SEO and don't know how to get started, here are 5 easy steps that will help you get started quickly.

* Check your website's speed - How fast is your website? If it's slow, you'll have a hard time getting visitors to come back again. Google recommends that websites load in under one second and you should aim for the same.

* Check for duplicate content - Do you have any duplicate content on your website? Google will penalize websites with duplicate content. * Check for broken links - Links that don't work or go to a different page than expected are broken and can hurt your SEO. If you're not sure where all of these issues are hiding, we recommend using the Screaming Frog SEO Spider tool to crawl through your site and find them. The tool will identify any issues with your site as well as provide an overview of what's wrong.


In this article I've explained how to do SEO audit of your website. It is important that you follow all the steps in order to get a perfect score on Google and other search engines.

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