Why Long Tail Keywords Are Better than Short Tail keywords

Why Long Tail Keywords Are Better? 

The Long Tail Keywords are more powerful than Short Tail Keywords. This is because they help you find the right keywords to rank your site higher on Google and Bing, which makes it easier for potential visitors to find your website.

image credit: i.workona.com

Long tail keywords are any super long keyword phrases that have a high volume of searches but low competition.

They're usually used on product pages and in ad groups for SEO purposes. You should try using long-tail keywords on your site if you want to rank well in Google's search results.

Using long-tail keywords can help you attract new customers who are looking for products like yours, whether they're searching online or offline.

What are long tail keywords?

A long tail keyword is a specific search term that has less competition than its shorter counterparts. In other words, it’s more specific and targeted to the needs of your audience. 

For example, if you sell books about dogs, you might want to use the keyword “dog training” when promoting your content on social media platforms or other websites that target dog owners. 

However, if you were selling organic fertilizer made from organic waste products (i.e., dog food waste), then maybe it would be better to choose something like “organic fertilizer made from organic materials” instead of just “organic fertilizer."

Why Should I Use Long Tail Keywords?

If you're looking to get more traffic to your website, you may be wondering if you should start using long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are simply keywords that are longer and more specific than your average keyword.



For example, instead of just using the keyword "shoes", you could use the long tail keyword "red women's size 7 running shoes".


So, why should you use long tail keywords? There are a few reasons:


1. Long tail keywords are more specific, which means they are less competitive. This means that it will be easier for you to rank for these keywords in search engines.


2. Long tail keywords tend to convert better than shorter, general keywords. This is because when someone is searching for a specific keyword, they are usually further along in the buying process and more likely to purchase something.


3. Long tail keywords can help you get more targeted traffic. When you use general keywords, you may get a lot of traffic, but it may not be relevant to your business. However, with long tail keywords, you can get more targeted traffic that is more likely to convert into customers.


So, if you're looking to get more traffic and conversions, start using long tail keywords!

The long tail of search consists primarily of “long” search queries, typically those containing more than three words. The term was coined by Chris Anderson in 2004 and refers to the statistical property that a large portion of the data in a given distribution can be found far from its mean (average). 

If you are looking to drive more qualified traffic to your website, use a long tail keyword.

If you are looking to drive more qualified traffic to your website, use a long tail keyword. Long tail keywords are more specific and more targeted than short tail keywords. They can help you rank for more competitive keywords and convert better as well.

For example, if you want to rank for “best mattress” on Google (the most searched term in 2018), then your best bet would be using the phrase “mattress reviews” or “mattress buying guide” instead of just “mattress review” which isn’t specific enough when compared with our other 2 options above!

The long tail keywords vs short tail keywords debate has been going on for a while now.

The long tail keywords vs short tail keywords debate has been going on for a while now.

Long tail keywords have been around for a long time, but they've only recently become the big deal that they are today.

Short tail keywords are easy to rank for and can get you more traffic than your competitors, but they're also less specific than long tails because it's easier for Google to rank them higher in the SERPs (search engine results pages) if there aren't as many other competing pages with similar content.

One of the biggest advantages of long tail keywords is that such phrases make it extremely easy to highlight an accurate piece of content that answers a particular need or question.

One of the biggest advantages of long tail keywords is that such phrases make it extremely easy to highlight an accurate piece of content that answers a particular need or question.

Long tail keywords are more specific and can be used to target specific audiences. These words may not always be used by many people, but they have been identified as being relevant for your business by someone who has good authority in their field—either because they’re an expert in your niche or because they have experience dealing with similar problems as yours does. 

Longer phrases also tend to rank higher on search engines than shorter ones because they include more information about what people want when searching for information online.

Longer strings of characters mean that you can optimize them further by adding synonyms such as “best practices” instead of using just one word such as best practice or best practices; this gives Google another hint about how useful this phrase will be when ranking pages based solely off its length!

Another advantage of using long tail keywords is that you can use these to create more specific content intended for specific consumer groups.

Another advantage of using long tail keywords is that you can use these to create more specific content intended for specific consumer groups. 

For example, if you're selling a product that caters to both women and men, then the keywords "men's underwear" or "women's underwear" will be too broad because they include everyone in their respective categories. 

However, if your product was only intended for men or only women (for example), then those would be better keywords to target as they will be more focused on who exactly your product caters too.

Long-tail keywords also tend not to repeat themselves very often which means it’s easier for Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts like me with access to huge databases of search queries from around the world looking at how many times each phrase was typed into Google’s search engine over time – called “Google Trends Data” – so we know what people are searching most often when making buying decisions online!

By creating content around these, you can also target phrases with less competition and thus get noticed by search engines more easily.

Also, by creating content around these, you can also target phrases with less competition and thus get noticed by search engines more easily.

This is the main reason why long tail keywords are more powerful than short tail keywords. Long tail keywords have less competition so they’re more likely to be found in search results as well as higher up on page 1 (1st page) when it comes to rankings. These are also easier for people who want to find your website within their searches because there are less pages competing for those same searches; therefore giving you an advantage over other websites that may have similar content but not quite as specific or targeted towards what the user is looking for!

There are many advantages to using long tail keywords, but the most important one is that they have less competition and thus more likely to be found in search results. This means that by creating content around these keywords, you can also target phrases with less competition and thus get noticed by search engines more easily.

One can also optimize the landing pages to drive better results. This can be achieved by improving the user experience so that customers ‘stay’ and convert instead of leaving the page in the middle.

One can also optimize the landing pages to drive better results. This can be achieved by improving the user experience so that customers ‘stay’ and convert instead of leaving the page in the middle.

There are different strategies you can use to improve your site engagement, conversion rates, customer satisfaction and other key metrics like search rankings etc., which will ultimately lead to increased brand awareness, loyalty, retention and overall customer experience.

-Create a catchy headline that contains the primary keyword. If you do this right, it can increase your search traffic by up to 100%.    -Add images/videos if possible, but make sure they are optimized and relevant. This will help improve your site engagement and conversion rates. You can also use them as an opportunity to insert more keywords into the page which will help with your search rankings.

Long tail keyword research allows a site to narrow down their niche and focus on a targeted audience rather than trying to capture the attention of everyone online at once. This allows them to take advantage of niche opportunities, which will lead to an increase in organic traffic over time.

Long tail keywords are much more specific, targeted and valuable than short tail keywords. In fact, they can be so specific that they may not even include the word "long" in their name.

Long tail keyword research allows a site to narrow down their niche and focus on a targeted audience rather than trying to capture the attention of everyone online at once. This allows them to take advantage of niche opportunities, which will lead to an increase in organic traffic over time.

Niche keywords are typically long tail keywords, but not always. There are some niche areas that have high search volume and competition. Niche opportunities are much less competitive than generalist or large markets because there is less overall competition, so it's easier to get noticed and rank well on search engines.

It's clear why long-tail keywords are the way to go when it comes to ranking well on Google

It's clear why long-tail keywords are the way to go when it comes to ranking well on Google. Long-tail keywords are more specific, targeted and relevant. They're easier to rank for and easier to target potential customers with.

Long tail keywords also allow you to optimize your website for a larger reach of visitors than if you were just using short tail words because of two factors:

    The number of words in a long tail keyword is higher than that of its shorter counterpart – so there's more room for variation within each topic area (which means fewer duplicate entries). This makes it easier for Google's algorithmically-generated search results page (SERPs) system to choose between multiple variations based on user intent at any given moment in time - resulting in higher quality traffic overall!

    Longer-length query strings mean fewer key phrases which means less backlink juice lost through redundant content networks like social media platforms such as Facebook etc...


Long tail keywords are an effective way to reach your target audience, but they’re not the only way. If you want to rank well and get more traffic, then don’t just focus on one type of keyword. Instead, consider all aspects of your business, including social media accounts and content marketing efforts such as guest blogging.

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