YouTube Gifted Memberships?

YouTube Gifted Membership

YouTube is expanding membership giving to additional artists, allowing users to purchase subscriptions for other users.


With membership giving, a service similar to Twitch's awarded memberships, YouTube allows creators another method to make money directly from their audience.

Viewers will be able to purchase channel memberships for other viewers.

For fans, it's a chance to show their support for their favourite creators while also contributing to the community.

To begin, a beta version of Channel Memberships Gifting is being rolled out to a select set of artists, with additional channels to follow in the following months.


YouTube Channel Membership Gifting

YouTube channels that have been monetized have the option of charging subscribers for subscriptions.


Members-only livestreams, unique symbols in a creator's comment box, and other benefits come with channel membership. Subscriptions, or "subs," on the streaming network Twitch are comparable.


Users could only buy memberships for themselves before the release of membership giving. Users could only buy one subscription each month as a result.


Channel members can acquire a specified number of memberships [5, 10, 20] in a single transaction with membership giving. Those memberships will be "gifted" to other YouTube users.


Viewers who get a gift membership will have access to your channel's membership benefits for one month. Recipients are not required to pay anything, while creators are paid a percentage of each transaction's earnings.


How Does YouTube Gifted Membership Work?

During a creator's broadcast, gifted channel subscriptions can be purchased on the desktop. To purchase gift memberships on live broadcasts, click the $ button next to the live chat.


To be eligible for rewards on a channel, viewers must opt-in. Users can opt-in during the Beta by selecting 'Allow Gifts' when requested.


Viewers receive free YouTube subscriptions based on how much they interact with your channel. Gift memberships are more likely to be given to loyal viewers than to newcomers.

If a viewer receives a gift membership, they will be contacted via live chat and email. A non-recurring membership is given as a gift, and the receiver does not pay any fees.


YouTube Gifted Memberships A Boon To YouTube Creators?

Given the success of Twitch's awarded subs, membership gifting has the potential to significantly increase profits for YouTube streamers.


If you check at the subscription split for notable Twitch streams, you'll notice that gifted subs account for about 5% to 10% of their total active subscriptions.


How Can Creators Sell YouTube Memberships?

I contacted Greg Jarboe, president of SEO-PR and author of YouTube and Video Marketing, for his thoughts on the upgrade and an example of how producers might profit from subscriptions.

The following is Jarboe's perspective:

YouTube Partners now have a variety of choices, including Channel Memberships. Among the others are:

  • Revenue from advertisements is shared.
  • Selling branded products.
  • Super Stickers and Super Chat.
  • Premium revenue sharing is available.

As a result, memberships For the small number of content creators who presently make money from channel subscribers, gifting will be an intriguing possibility. What are their names? Consider the following:

Prince Ohakam, often known as Prince Charming, is a game designer who uses channel subscriptions. He invites members to join him in playing live video games. Live broadcasts, movies, posts, and unique emojis are also available.

Rachana Ranada is an Indian Chartered Accountant who is assisting people in improving their financial literacy. She has made more than $100,000 by selling memberships.

Anna Yakimenko, a Russian fashion consultant based in Milan, leverages channel subscriptions to offer her audience exclusive live streaming, discounts on items, and personalised design advise.


Because channel subscriptions aren't for everyone, only a select few content creators will be interested in receiving them as a gift. However, if they contribute to the health and diversity of the creative economy, they should be regarded a valuable tool in the toolbox.


Fill out a request form if your channel wants early access to this functionality.

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