How Google May 2022 Core Update Impacted?

Google published the long-awaited Google May 2022 core update last week, on May 26th. The upgrade got off to a fast start, with a lot of volatility being detected within 24 hours after it was initially published. This was, in my opinion, one of the more significant core modifications or Google algorithm adjustments we've seen in a long time, at least in terms of SEO effect.


Let me give you the basic facts in case you missed it in the first piece, and then I'll tell you about some of the SEO community's reactions to this update:


In the past, we've waited a little longer to report on the effects of these fundamental upgrades. However, after writing a number of these core update effect tales, I've found that the great bulk of the impact is felt during the first few days following the update (although there are always outliers).


Data providers on the Google May 2022 Core Update

The data suppliers (who for these reports have always been Semrush and RankRanger) have generally agreed on how unpredictable these updates have been. However, they appear to be in odds with this update. At least until you go deeper into the information.



According to Semrush statistics, the Google May 2022 core upgrade was released quite shortly following the announcement.

"This is already the third core upgrade in a row where the initial roll-out witnessed a very short burst of initial rank volatility," Mordy Oberstein, Semrush Communication Advisor, informed us about the speed with which these core updates were rolled out. With the release of these fundamental changes, he continued, "this appears to be a new trend."


When comparing the Google May 2022 core update to the November 2021 core update, the May version appears to be less volatile than the November update at first look. The real estate segment, on the other hand, "seemed to experience a considerable shakeup," according to the business.

The problem is that before the May 2022 core update, the average level of volatility was greater than before the November 2021 core upgrade, according to Semrush. In fact, according to Semrush, the total rise in rank volatility relative to the baseline level before the core update was 19 percent lower during the initial rollout of the May 2022 upgrade on desktop, and 24 percent lower on mobile.

May 2022, according to Semrush statistics, may have been more volatile than the November 2021 core update? It's all about how you analyse and interpret the facts once again.


The RankRanger team looked at the Google search results after the core change was rolled out in May 2022, and you can see how soon their technology picked it up (you can also see this live at the Rank Risk Index tool). The May 2022 core upgrade, according to RankRanger, was "major."

RankRanger also made a comparison between the May 2022 core upgrade and the November 2021 core update for us. The average position changes in the May 2022 update were greater than the November 2021 update, according to RankRanger's statistics.


More on the Google May 2022 core update

The search engine optimization community. The core upgrade in May 2022 appears to be even more substantial than the core update in November 2021. Unlike the November 2021 core upgrade, which was released at an inopportune time for retailers, namely during the biggest online shopping season, this update was released at a much better time for merchants. 

With this upgrade, you may discover a lot of examples of SEOs releasing charts from their clients on Twitter — usually showcasing winners, but sometimes displaying losers.

What to do if you are impacted?

In the past, Google has offered suggestions on what to do if you've been harmed by a core upgrade. There are no precise steps to follow to get back on track, and a drop in rankings may not indicate anything is wrong with your sites. If your site is affected by a core change, Google has provided a list of questions to consider. According to Google, there is some recovery time between core upgrades, but the major shift comes after another core update.


Why to care?

It might be difficult to pinpoint exactly what you need to do to reverse whatever algorithmic damage your site has suffered. It's much more difficult when it comes to Google core upgrades. These fundamental improvements are large, vast, and cover a lot of general quality concerns, according to the facts and past experience and advise. This is supported by the evidence shown above. If your site has been affected by a core upgrade, it is typically advised that you take a step back and look at your entire website to see what you can do to enhance it.

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